Nell’ultimo numero della rivista online FILART è stata pubblicata l’ultima parte del mio saggio in lingua inglese sul problema della malattia nel pensiero di Michel Foucault. Pubblico qui l’abstract del saggio, che potete trovare sul sito:

Abstract: Following the concepts and the language of a seminal work of Michel Foucault, The Birth of the Clinic, I will examine the meaning of disease in the course of time and its relations with the alterity. I will describe this relations as a deep change, and I will analyze it according to the following affinities:
. 1) illness is something opposed to normality
. 2) it involves a change of the relationship between the doctor and the sick patient;
. 3) it is a reflection on death as alterity;
. 4) it is a reflection on evil as alterity.

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